Zyfra Production
and Shipping

Living in Industry 4.0 not only requires you to digitalize your enterprise, but also challenges the way you plan and control the execution of your plans. Zyfra PSP is a software solution for planning production and logistic operations in the Industry 4.0 era.
TOP Supply Chain Management<br/> Technology companies <br/>in Europe 2020
TOP Supply Chain Management
Technology companies
in Europe 2020

What is Zyfra PSP?

Globally up to 75% of operations have their supply chains disrupted, you need a production &

logistics planning tool which is up to date with the XXI century’s rate of change and volatility.

PSP will help you meet modern challenges:

  • The pressures of being agile and
    responsive in a volatile market

  • Data overloads and the absence of aligned
    operational, sales and financial plans

  • The need to adaptively automate recurring tasks
    and predict change success and SLA failures

  • The inability to estimate scheduling
    impacts on business performance

  • Rapid growth in data volumes generated by IT
    systems, networks and applications

High accuracy forecasting, real-time recommendations and decision process automation are
some of the most difficult and costly industrial processes; Zyfra PSP is here to implement them.
Zyfra PSP offers several brand-new planning concepts and technologies:
Dynamic planning horizon
Contrary to the static form of most planning tools. Plan only for the time period you can control and under the risk level your organization can accept.
Planning with uncertainty
Or Bayesian planning - real-world operations comes with uncertainties in timing. Knowing the history of operations allow Zyfra PSP to incorporate those risks in timing and make much more realistic plans (with gaps for risks and so on).
Dynamic pricing and risk-margin control
Having a complete digital twin of the planning process offers fully automated calculation of optimal prices for customers and, in extreme cases, fully automates communication with customers.
Guided manual input
Not every process can be digitalized, particularly cost-wise, but operational planning requires near real-time data, so Zyfra PSP includes mobile and web-based apps with task-lists for every person involved in the process and requires persons to mark those task as finished / postponed / canceled to speed up the data gathering process.